Disease Control & Hygiene Monitoring

hospitals managing infections

Disease Control Software Saving Lives & protecting frontline healthcare workers though better data management

Recent threats such as the COVID-19 Pandemic has created serious public health risks, Government and national vulnerabilities. Public institutions such as hospitals, clinics and elderly care facilities are especially at risk.
Early warning, detection and rapid response is crucial in preventing an outbreak. The ability to rapidly recognize an emerging infectious disease and public health threat as well as respond appropriately and timely is crucial.

Novatek’s Disease Control & Hygiene Monitoring Software consists of multiple critical infection control measures

Microbial & Viral Contamination Monitoring

Early Warning Via Themal Screening of Visitors, Patients & Personnel

Microbial & Viral Contamination Monitoring

These control measures support 4 monitoring scenarios that should be considered for all hospitals and/or healthcare facilities:

hospital reducing risk
  • Thermal screening of infected visitor, patients, and personnel
  • Traffic count: receive alerts for high volumne anomalies
hospital reducing risk
  • Risk-based personnel sampling for pathogens
  • Cleaning effectiveness for PPE
hospital reducing risk
  • Routine sampling with swabs, dip slides, contact plates
and sponges
  • Monitoring for proliferation in the emergency room and cleaning effectiveness
  • Assess root cause
hospital reducing risk
  • Monitor critical equipment
  • Monitor environmental conditions
  • Monitor water and utilities

These control measures, combined with Infection Disease protocols, allow for the most robust continuous monitoring system for effective Disease Control needed in healthcare facilities.

Real time trending & analysis

Novatek’s Disease Control and Hygiene Monitoring Software solution (DCH) can assist public and private healthcare facilities in their endeavour to detect and contain infectious diseases in their early stages before they spread and become a threat in their environments. The system is capable of alerting responsible groups and individuals in real time. Linking healthcare institutions facilitate the use of best practices for techniques of preparedness, data collection, early-warning, rapid-response, and dissemination systems and ultimately timely decision making.


Early warning & detection

with real-time thermal screening


Data collection & monitoring

of viral and microbial contamination


Early detection

of infectious agents or other microorganisms

Early identification

of the source of contamination



Rapid response & timely decision making

to prevent an outbreak


Prevention & containment

of Infectious disease & Bio-terrorism agents



Identifying potential risks for future outbreaks

Saving patient lives & protecting healthcare frontline workers through better data collection, analysis and reporting


  • Reduce risk, save lives
  • Reduce risk of exposure to patients and personnel
  • Reduction of risk of re-admission due to contamination
  • Reducing cost of care by adopting Risk-Based Monitoring
  • Root cause analysis
  • Reduce financial loss risk
  • Real-time data management
  • Remote Ready: Remote Ready: fast implementation with 24/7 support


  • Monitor healthcare facility locations for viral and microbial contamination
  • Monitor healthcare worker’s PPE for viral and microbial contamination
  • Quickly screen incoming people, patients and staff for fever
  • Determine the effectiveness of cleaning and hygiene practices: (departments, rooms, equipment, staff PPE, etc.)
  • Built-in trending & statistical analysis for rooms, personnel, PPE and equipment
  • Real time monitoring of supplies and inventory
  • Paperless review and rapid response

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