Passive Sampling for your Microbiology QC in Real Time
Real-time Data Capturing to Secure your EM Sampling Process
Novatek Environmental Monitoring Mobile effectively executes the real-time labeling (barcode), collection, and tracking of environmental monitoring samples in the cleanroom environment. The EM Mobile module is comprised of the software, a rugged wireless tablet PC, wireless barcode scanner, wireless barcode printer and mount that can be used to store and transport sampling media and equipment in the cleanroom. All hardware is cleanroom ready and can be sanitized using standard chemical disinfectants without harming the devices. Our EM Mobile system is integrated with Novatek Environmental Monitoring providing a paperless cleanroom data management system for the entire environmental monitoring process.

Em mobile key benefits:
- True Touch Screen Design: The large, ergonomically designed, buttons are easily read and manipulated, with any cleanroom glove, thus eliminating the need for a pen.
- Easy Access to Facility Maps: The touch of a button allows you to graphically view your facility with sampling points clearly illustrated.
- Quick Sampling Updates: A single button push allows you to add, update or change a sampling location.
- Clear Visual Sample Status: Visual color coding of the sampling status allows for quick work list evaluation, including notification for passive air plates which are due to be collected.
- Intelligent Automation: Real time data capture, combined with automated sample data updates, delivers the efficiency required when time is critical.
- Hardware Versatility: Novatek EM Mobile can easily be installed on a variety of clean room capable tablets. The system can be used in either a fixed location or as a mobile real-time monitoring unit.